Font Icons
Omeka S uses the Font Awesome 5.15.4 icon set for the iconography in the admin interface. This is a reference for Omeka S's visual language.
Glyph | Usage | Omeka S class | Font Awesome class |
Menu | o-icon-menu | fa-bars | |
Search | o-icon-search | fa-search | |
User | o-icon-user | fa-user | |
Item | o-icon-items | fa-cube | |
Item sets, resource | o-icon-item-sets, o-icon-resource | fa-cubes | |
Vocabulary | o-icon-vocab | fa-book | |
Module | o-icon-module | fa-plus-square | |
Media | o-icon-media | fa-image | |
Site | o-icon-site | fa-laptop | |
Settings | o-icon-settings | fa-cogs | |
Users | o-icon-users | fa-users | |
First | o-icon-first | fa-angle-double-left | |
Last | o-icon-last | fa-angle-double-right | |
Previous | o-icon-prev | fa-angle-left | |
Next | o-icon-next | fa-angle-right | |
Close | o-icon-close | fa-angle-times | |
Delete | o-icon-delete | fa-angle-trash-alt | |
Edit | o-icon-edit | fa-pencil-alt | |
More | o-icon-more | fa-ellipsis-h | |
Add | o-icon-add | fa-plus | |
Upload | o-icon-upload | fa-upload | |
Uri | o-icon-uri | fa-link | |
View, public | o-icon-view, o-icon-public | fa-eye | |
Private | o-icon-private | fa-eye-slash | |
Inactive user | o-icon-user-inactive | fa-user-times | |
Click to activate | o-icon-activate | fa-toggle-off | |
Click to deactivate | o-icon-deactivate | fa-toggle-on | |
Configure | o-icon-configure | fa-wrench | |
Uninstall | o-icon-uninstall | fa-upload | |
Install | o-icon-install | fa-download | |
Upgrade | o-icon-upgrade | fa-arrow-up | |
More information | o-icon-info | fa-info-circle | |
Revert/undo | o-icon-revert | fa-info-undo | |
Up | o-icon-up | fa-caret-up | |
Down | o-icon-down | fa-caret-down | |
Left | o-icon-left | fa-caret-left | |
Right | o-icon-right | fa-caret-right | |
Developer, markup, code | o-icon-developer | fa-code | |
Stop | o-icon-stop | fa-stop | |
Jobs | o-icon-jobs | fa-tasks | |
Language | o-icon-language | fa-globe | |
Lock | o-icon-lock | fa-lock | |
Unlock | o-icon-unlock | fa-unlock | |
External link | o-icon-external | fa-external-link-alt | |
Annotation | o-icon-annotation | fa-comment-dots |
Using other Font Awesome icons
Omeka S loads all the icons offered in Font Awesome's free solid weight. If you would like to use an icon not listed in the above table, prefix your icon's selector with .o-icon-
and find your icon's unicode on Font Awesome's website.
For example, if you wanted to use the icon for .fa-bars
( ), look up the icon's Font Awesome entry, and use its unicode (\f0c9
) for the content of your icon's :before
pseudo element.