View Helpers
View helpers are used to consolidate code for creating or modifying HTML, simplifying your views and minimizing redundancy. For example, tasks such as escaping HTML, formatting dates, and creating commonly-used interface components are handled by way of view helpers.
For a more complete introduction, read Laminas Framework's documentation. This page focuses on using Omeka S's view helpers, listed below. Note that Omeka S also uses many of Laminas Framework's native view helpers -- consult their documentation for more information.
Using A View Helper
Helpers are typically called from view scripts. A common example using one of Laminas
Framework's view helpers is the Url
, helper, which generates a URL for a route
and action:
Note that while view helper names begin with an uppercase letter, the method invoked
from $this
(the View object) begins with a lowercase letter. Each helper will
use its own signature, so consult each helper's documentation for its __invoke
Creating A View Helper In A Module
View Helpers should be placed here in the module's directory structure:
View Helpers inherit from Laminas\View\Helper\AbstractHelper
and implement Laminas\View\Helper\HelperInterface
Thus, the basic structure is
namespace MyModule\View\Helper;
use Laminas\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
class MyModuleViewHelper extends AbstractHelper
public function __invoke()
$view = $this->getView(); // supplied by AbstractHelper
//return HTML;
There are no restrictions on the signature for __invoke
, so any necessary data
from the view can be added as needed, as in the first example of Url
above. Its
method thus looks like:
Config file
For Omeka S to be aware of your View Helper, you must add it to your module's config/module.config.php
array. That file will contain a great deal more than this information, but this
is what will be relevant to the helper:
return [
'view_helpers' => [
'invokables' => [
'myModule' => 'MyModule\View\Helper\MyModuleViewHelper',
The invokables
key signals that the View Helper class can be directly instantiated
(see below on invokables vs factories). Each value in the subsequent array refers
to the domain-specific class to refer to.
Invokables vs Factories
Sometimes, a helper will need access to additional services, or data that is accessible
only via a service. In this case, the View Helper must be created via a factory,
rather than an invokable, as defined in the config.php
file. (See also Services and Factories).
To create a factory for your View Helper, put the factory in the following directory:
Instead of declaring an invokable
in module.config.php
's array, declare a factory:
return [
'view_helpers' => [
'factories' => [
'myModule' => 'MyModule\Service\ViewHelper\MyModuleViewHelperFactory',
The file structure for the factory will be akin to:
namespace MyModule\Service\ViewHelper;
use MyModule\View\Helper\ViewHelper;
use Laminas\ServiceManager\Factory\FactoryInterface;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
class MyModuleViewHelperFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $services, $requestedName, array $options = null)
$config = $services->get('Config');
$mediaAdapters = $config['my_module_media_adapters'];
return new MyModuleViewHelper($services->get('Omeka\MediaIngesterManager'), $mediaAdapters);
service. Those are not directly available within a
ViewHelper, and so the factory is used to inject them into the ViewHelper.
As such, the View Helper's __construct
method must deal with the data
namespace MyModule\View\Helper;
use Laminas\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
class ViewHelper extends AbstractHelper
protected $mediaIngester;
protected $mediaAdapters;
public function __construct($mediaIngestManager, $mediaAdapters)
$this->mediaAdapters = $mediaAdapters;
$this->mediaIngester = $mediaIngestManager;
public function __invoke()
$mediaForms = [];
foreach ($this->mediaIngester->getRegisteredNames() as $ingester) {
if (array_key_exists($ingester, $this->mediaAdapters)) {
$mediaForms[$ingester] = [
'label' => $this->mediaIngester->get($ingester)->getLabel(),
Using Partials Within View Helpers
A common tactic in Omeka S is to invoke a View Helper to create HTML content, but also for that helper itself to use a view page. That is achieved by using a partial within the helper.
These usualy appear in a common
directory within the plugin:
A shorter, more readable name is in order for the readability of a real module.
A View Helper might then create its HTML like so:
namespace MyModule\View\Helper;
use Laminas\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
class MyModuleViewHelper extends AbstractHelper
protected $user;
public function __construct($user)
$this->user = $user;
public function __invoke()
$userRole = $this->user->getRole();
return $this->getView()->partial(
'userRole' => $userRole,
The __invoke
method then depends upon the partial in common
to produce the HTML.
The second parameter also passes along a $userRole
variable to the partial for
it to use. Depending on the needs of the module, that might or might not be needed.
Built-in View Helpers
Omeka S comes with quite a few view helpers:
Direct access to API read and search operations.
The api()
helper takes no arguments, but allows you to call several chained
methods which do:
: Get a single resource by ID$this->api()->search()
: Get an array of resources matching search parameters$this->api()->searchOne()
: Get a single resource matching search parameters
See the PHP API docs for more information about using the API.
Return a path to a static asset (CSS/JS/etc.).
The helper takes 5 arguments, but only the first is required:
: (string) The filename of the asset to load (the part of the path after the "asset" folder of the core or module).$module
: (string) The module to load the asset from. If omitted or null, loads from the current theme. The special module nameOmeka
refers to the core.$override
: (bool, default false) Whether to allow the theme to override or replace this asset. If true is passed here and the theme contains an asset of the same name, it will be used instead of the module or core's copy. This only makes sense to pass if$module
is passed.$versioned
: (bool, default true) By default Omeka S will append a query string?v=
with the version number of the theme, module or core for cache-busting purposes. To disable this, pass false here.$absolute
(bool, default false) Pass true here to generate an absolute instead of relative URL. (Added in 4.0.0)
Render a form for adding/editing block attachments.
This is intended for use only in implementing the admin form of site page blocks. See the page blocks documentation for more information.
Takes 3 arguments, the first is required:
: (SitePageBlockRepresentation) The current block (can be null in the case of blocks that haven't been added yet).$itemOnly
: (bool, default false) Whether attachments are only items, skipping the options for choosing media and captions.$itemQuery
: (array, default empty) Search query to filter the items that can be selected.
Helper for rendering block layouts.
This is mostly used internally for the site page public and admin pages.
Functionality is present on chained method calls:
: Get an array of all registered layout namesgetLaboutLabel($layout)
: Get the label for a given layoutprepareForm()
: Run all layouts'prepareForm
: Render all forms for blocks on a pageform()
: Render a block form. Either pass just a SitePageBlockRepresentation to render a form for an existing block, or ($layout, $site, $page) to render a form for a new block. Override the partial used to render the form by passing a partial name as the 4th argument.prepareRender($layout)
: Run a layout'sprepareRender
: Render a block.
Render an attachment title display select element.
See the page blocks documentation for more information.
Takes one argument:
: (SitePageBlockRepresentation) The current block (can be null in the case of blocks that haven't been added yet).
Render a thumbnail type select element.
See the page blocks documentation for more information.
Takes one argument:
: (SitePageBlockRepresentation) The current block (can be null in the case of blocks that haven't been added yet).
(Added in 4.0.0)
This helper collects methods useful for rendering browse pages, in particular for using the admin browse page configuration added in Omeka S 4.0.0.
Functionality is available through chained method calls:
: Render the sorting selection form for a browse page. You can pass a string naming the resource type for the current browse page (e.g.,'items'
), or an array of sorting options, asvalue => label
pairs where both are strings.This is the only method of this helper typically used on public pages.
In 4.0+, it's generally recomended to use this method instead of the sortSelector helper.
: Render the header of a browse page table according to the user's configured preferences. renderContentRow($resourceType)
: Render a body row of a browse page table according to the user's configured preferences.
The other methods on the helper are used internally and to handle the interface for users to configure their browse preferences, and won't commonly be used by themes or modules.
Render a cancel button.
Load scripts necessary to use CKEditor on a page.
(Added in 4.0.0)
Get the SiteRepresentation object for the current site.
Helper for rendering data types.
Render the delete confirm partial.
Render a browse filtering form.
Render a HTML element.
Render a HTML hyperlink.
Render localized data.
(Added in 4.0.0)
Render the Omeka S IIIF viewer in an <iframe>
Takes 2 arguments:
(array) The GET query to pass to the IIIF viewer page$options
, (array, default empty) Options for the iframe. Currently acceptswidth
Render a select menu containing all item sets.
Render the item set selector form control.
Render translations for JavaScript strings.
Get a BCP 47-compliant value for the lang attribute.
(Added in 4.0.0)
Render a lightGallery viewer for presenting media.
The helper takes a single argument, a nested array of data used to render the viewer.
For an item, this should usually be used in conjunction with the sortMedia helper, which will provide the proper array to pass to this helper.
$itemMedia = $item->media();
$sortedMedia = $this->sortMedia($itemMedia);
if (isset($sortedMedia['lightMedia'])):
echo $this->lightGalleryOutput($sortedMedia['lightMedia']);
To render a single media, it can be passed as [['media' => $media]]
Get the logger.
Render media.
Render "flash" messages stored on the user session.
Helper for rendering links for the site admin navigation form.
Render a title heading for a page.
Render pagination.
Get params from the request.
Render information about password requirements.
Render a select menu containing all properties.
Render the property selector.
Render a hidden form input for every query in the URL query string
Render a select menu containing all resource classes.
(Added in 4.0.0)
This helper is used to work with the configurable resource page blocks feature for themes added in Omeka S 4.0.0.
This is intended for use on the show pages for items, item sets, and media in themes that support the resource page blocks feature.
The helper takes two arguments:
: (a Representation object for a resource) the resource that is being displayed. This must be an item, item set, or media currently.$regionName
: (string, default'main'
) The region of the page being rendered.
This helper's functionality is available through chained method calls:
: get the configured content for the page regionhasBlocks()
: return whether the page region has any blocks configured in it
A typical theme would render the main region as a simple call to getBlocks
A region with wrapper markup that should only render if the region has content
would use hasBlocks
as well:
<?php if ($this->resourcePageBlocks($item, 'sidebar')->hasBlocks()): ?>
<div class="sidebar">
<?php echo $this->resourcePageBlocks($item, 'sidebar')->getBlocks(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Render a select menu containing all of some resource.
Render a select menu containing all resource templates.
Render a select menu containing all roles.
Render a list of active search filters.
Render a list of active search filters for users browse.
Render section navigation.
Get global settings.
Render site page pagination.
Render a select menu containing all sites.
Render the site selector.
Get site settings.
Render a sortable link.
(Added in 4.0.0)
Sort media between those usable in the lightGallery viewer and those not.
Takes a single argument, an array of media.
Returns an array with two top-level keys:
is an array of media supported by lightGallery, suitable to be passed to the lightGalleryOutput helper.'otherMedia'
is an array of media not supported by lightGallery. The intent is for themes to loop through this array and render the unsupported media in an alternative way, by listing them or rendering them directly, without the viewer.
Render a sorting form.
Get MVC status.
Get theme settings.
(Added in 3.1.0)
Get the representation object for a theme setting asset.
Get a URL to a theme setting asset.
Render a thumbnail image.
Trigger a view event.
Render the upload size limit.
Render the public-side user bar.
Check if the current user has a permission.
Render a select menu containing all users.
Rendering the user selector.
Get user settings.
Form Element Helpers
These helpers are used in conjunction with form elements.
- formAsset: get the asset form element
- formCkeditor: get the Ckeditor form element
- formCkeditorInline: get the Ckeditor inline form element
- formColorPicker: get the color picker form element
- formRecaptcha: get the Recaptcha form element
- formQuery: get the form element for composing search queries (Added in 3.1.0)
- formRestoreTextarea: get the restore textarea form element