Create hierarchies of resources for organization and display. Each hierarchy can contain multiple nested groupings, and each grouping may optionally contain objects from a selected item set.
This module adds a place to create and edit hierarchies, site-specific settings for display, a resource page block (for items and item sets), and a site page block to display hierarchies. Hierarchies and their groupings have custom browse pages that show all items contained within that grouping and, optionally, within its children groupings.
Some Omeka S themes may need to be updated to work with this modules.
For more information, see the Omeka S user manual: https://omeka.org/s/docs/user-manual/modules/hierarchy
Hierarchy is Copyright © 2019-present Corporation for Digital Scholarship, Vienna, Virginia, USA http://digitalscholar.org
The Corporation for Digital Scholarship distributes the Omeka source code under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3). The full text of this license is given in the license file.
The Omeka name is a registered trademark of the Corporation for Digital Scholarship.
Third-party copyright in this distribution is noted where applicable.
All rights not expressly granted are reserved.