For a mid-February treat, we’re releasing the latest version of Omeka Classic, 2.6! The update includes a number of tweaks and fixes, and some small changes to the way things look.
The most important change is the switch from reCAPTCHA version 1 to version 2. Google is shutting down the original reCAPTCHA on March 31, 2018. In order to ensure that Omeka Classic sites can continue to use reCAPTCHA, we have changed over to version 2 completely. If you are currently using reCAPTCHA, you will need to register a new key. For information on updating your reCAPTCHA keys in Omeka Classic 2.6, please see the documentation.
If you use the HTML option when entering and formatting text, you’ll notice the formatting bar has a new look. We’ve upgraded the formatting editor, tinyMCE, to version 4, which improves compatibility with the latest updates of popular browsers.
Thanks to contributor luku, the Browse Tags page has additional functionality:
- Default display of tags for both items and exhibits, with the ability to refine to just items or exhibits;
- Tag sorts are now alphabetical, use count, and date created; and
- You can search tags from within the browse tags page.
For those interested in the full technical changes, you can read the release notes.
In addition to Classic 2.6, February 2018 marks the ten year anniversary of Omeka’s first release! Share your memories of Omeka from any point in the last decade using the hashtag Omeka10years on Twitter and Facebook. Many thanks to the contributors and users who have made the last ten years so wonderful, and here’s to the future!