After more than two years of planning and development, and six months of Alpha testing, CHNM is pleased to announce the public launch of Beta. Anyone may sign up for an account today. is a hosted web service that brings standards-based online collections and exhibitions to the internet cloud. Simply create a username and password at, and your online collection or exhibition website is up and running. Similar to cloud-based content management services offered by, Blogger, and PBWorks—but geared to the needs of scholarship and cultural heritage—no server or programming experience is required to launch an website. With, users can build digital exhibits, map photographs, collect memories from web audiences, or publish new scholarship in a few easy steps. will offer five plans for users that include a range of options from building one site using a few plugins and themes to deploying an unlimited number of sites that uses an extensive set of add-ons and designs. These plans, including a basic free option, are available to accommodate a variety of individual and institutional users. is an outgrowth of the Omeka project, in partnership with Minnesota Historical Foundation and funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Library of Congress, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and Samuel H. Kress Foundation.