YouTube Import by UCSC Library Question

As I don't have access to the back-end of my Omega installation, I need to ask here: are the files imported via the YouTube Import tool downloaded to the server or are they still hosted by YouTube?

When I look at the videos I import, the player YouTube so I wanted to double-check.

The files are not downloaded. The plugin creates the frame to play them from YouTube.

Thanks for letting me know! I don't suppose you know of a plugin that does download the files? I know that's a tricky question...

There's not a plugin that I know of. There at least used to be services that would try to download the files, but I don't know if they're still around.

There are tools out there (chrome plugins, etc.) and websites that will download a compressed version of a youtube file in a variety of formats. I encountered a similar problem at another institution - we absolutely could not figure out who was the keeper of one department's outdated youtube account (we suspected a former employee). You can contact Google/Youtube if that is the case, but it might take a while to get it sorted out.