Will tweaks to original Seasons Theme carry over to 2.1.1?

I would like to update the Seasons theme to 2.1.1. We modified the color scheme in the original Seasons theme to match the colors of our institutional website. If I update to 2.1.1, will these modifications carry over?


First, you will want to be sure and follow the directions for upgrading.


If you have only modified the color palette of your site, I recommend that you keep the new version of Seasons, since it is mobile optimized. Then look at your old (current) style.css that you modified, and implement those minor changes into the new Season theme's style sheet.

If, you have made bigger changes to your current theme, you probably want to look over this guide for updating your themes to 2.0: https://omeka.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Tutorials/migratingCodeTo2.0.html#updating-themes

Thanks, Sheila.

Excuse me, but it is late in the day. We have already done a system wide update to 2.0.4. When you say "keep the new version of Seasons" do you mean 2.1.1, which we have not upgraded to yet? We have not updated "Seasons" in several months. The themes don't automatically update when you do a system wide update?



Seasons is bundled with Omeka, so it will be upgraded with the new version.

You'll want to make sure you have a copy of the modifications you've made, especially all the CSS files.

I expect the styles will still apply okay to the new version, but there have been some changes here and there that might require adjustments to your CSS

OK. Thanks.