Video & Audio segmentation / annotation

I would like to see the addition of a mechanism for adding detailed metadata to video files. I am new to Omeka, but I am working with an archival project which introduces the concept of segmentation of video:

Our approach uses a Mets-based metadata file associated with each video, then we control the video player on the html page (using Java) to jump to the correct segment and display the accompanying metadata.

It would be wonderful to draw on the rich content management aspects of Omeka, but I'm not sure if we would be able to implement our somewhat complex video player using Omeka plugins, and I'm not sure if Omeka is configurable enough to produce something akin to our video archive (

Any thoughts are very much appreciated.
Best regards,
Michael Grove

Very interesting project! I think Omeka could handle the metadata for your video files, depending on what that metadata looks like and how you need to use it for your video player. There are methods for adding Element Sets to Omeka, so you could develop a plugin that adds Mets as an element set, and use that for your videos.

Is the Mets data, and/or the code for your video player, available for download?

Thanks for the response! I'm just digging in to Omeka, but I know there's considerable interest in the software at Indiana University.

Our video player at is deprecated, and I hope we can contribute to the Flowplayer plugin in the coming months. I also know that the digital library here at IU is funded to interface their Annotation Management System with Omeka, so I'm assume that will involve the creation of an Element Set and a video player.

In case you're still interested in our metadata scheme, here's a quick subset of one of our files. It's basically a series of Events that make up a video. There needs to be some changes to the xml schema, which was developed for a particular project, but perhaps this gives you an idea:

<title>Obando arrives Azucena Ferrey</title>
<familyName>Lissette Ruiz Contreras</familyName>
<bio> Licenciada en Artes y Letras con curso de postgrado en Gestión de Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación <linebreak/> </bio>
<copyrightHolder type="group">
<copyrightHolderDetails> Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica de la Universidad Centroamericana <linebreak/> </copyrightHolderDetails>
<materialsAcquisitionNotes> La colección de audiovisuales es el resultado de actividades realizadas en Nicaragua en la década de los años 80. Una gran parte del contenido de los vídeos responde a fines periodísticos de agencias de prensa. Las imágenes muestran diferentes aspectos políticos, sociales y económicos del país desde diferentes puntos de vista en ese período.<linebreak/> <linebreak/> </materialsAcquisitionNotes>
<collectionDescription> <linebreak/> </collectionDescription>
<event id="E6886">
<heading>Cardenal Miguel Obando y Bravo en Guatemala</heading>
<briefDescription> Cardenal Miguel Obando y Bravo es recibido en Guatemala por jerarquía católica. <linebreak/> </briefDescription>
<detailedDescription> El Cardenal de Nicaragua Miguel Obando y Bravo llega a Guatemala en compañía de Monseñor Carlos Santi, donde es recibido por el Monseñor de Guatemala. Periodistas acompañan a las personalidades eclesiáticas, hacia el salón de protocolo para una conferencia de prensa. <linebreak/> </detailedDescription>
<event id="E9462">
<heading>Conferencia de Prensa</heading>
<briefDescription> El Cardenal Miguel Obando y Bravo en conferencia de prensa en la ciudad de Guatemala. <linebreak/> </briefDescription>
<detailedDescription> El Cardenal de Nicaragua Miguel Obando y Bravo, después de su visita a Europa, llega a Guatemala donde le espera la jerarquía católica y periodista. <linebreak/>Pregunta: Quiénes forman la comisión? Monseñor Carlos Santi. <linebreak/> </detailedDescription>