Using Omeka in Museums Studies Courses


I'm new to Omeka and am working on learning it for myself. I am wondering if anyone has asked graduate students to learn it. I'm considering having students do a small online exhibit as an assignment for a museums studies course. It seems easy enough to pick up during the course of a semester. Does this seem feasible? Advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Yes, many instructors have taught students to use Omeka, in undergraduate and graduate level courses, from installing it and running it on their own to signing up for accounts.

I know that the folks at the Cooperstown Museum Studies program teach with and use Omeka.

Here are a few examples of how faculty have implemented Omeka in their classrooms.

If you are less concerned with students learning to install and configure software and want to focus more on the content building in Omeka, I suggest that you ask students to sign up for free accounts where they can build exhibits based on items that they add to their own digital collections.