Tweak the Seasons theme


I would like to change some details on the seasons theme and before I start digging, I would like to know if someone can help me with this.

I would like to change some stuff in the itens pages.

Firstly I would like to have the item type metadata above the DC metadata, since that's where I have the more specific metadata that I want people to see first.

Also I would like to change title of the blocks of metadata. The DC metadata block has the title "Dublin Core" and I would like to change that. And also the title of the item type metadata block.

Can anyone tell me where to go to change this? Is there a model where I can change this layout and then be applied to all items?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


The first part, reversing the order of element sets, is easy. Take this line in items/show.php

<?php echo all_element_texts('item'); ?>

And do it twice, specifying the element set:

<?php echo all_element_texts('item', array('show_element_sets' => array( 'Item Type Metadata'))); ?>

<?php echo all_element_texts('item', array('show_element_sets' => array('Dublin Core'))); ?>

To change the labels, you'll want to override the default display from application/views/scripts/common/record-metadata.php. See this guide for how to do that.

You'll just need to check and switch the $setName before it is echoed out.


if($setName == 'Dublin Core') {
    $modifiedName = "My modified DC name";
} else if($setName == 'Item Type Metadata') {
    $modifiedName = "Modified Item type name";
<h2><?php echo html_escape(__($modifiedName)); ?></h2>

Hope that helps

Hi, thanks!
Thats great, I will try to do it and see how it goes. With such a clear explanation should be simple! :)
