Ordering the webpages links in the home page

I'm completely new to Omeka and have a good programming language skills.Whenever,I try to add a page using "Simple Pages",it gets added to my home page either horizontally or vertically and its random.Is there any way to order them or place them in a particular format(horizontally or vertically)?Also at the bottom of the web page?

Any help would be appreciated.


Currently, the Simple Pages plugins adds the pages to the navigation in the order that they were added by the plugin. The next version of Simple Pages should have better ordering ability.

In the mean time, you can edit the header.php and footer.php files in your theme to manually specify your navigation.

To do this, first edit each of your simple pages and uncheck "Link to this page on the public navigation?". This will make it so that the simple pages plugin does not try to automatically add pages to your navigation.

Next, edit your header and footer views in your current theme (e.g. themes/default/common/header.php and themes/default/common/footer.php, or themes/minimalist/common/header.php and themes/minimalist/common/footer.php).

You will want to edit the navigation code, which looks like this:

<?php echo public_nav_main(array('Browse Items' => uri('items'), 'Browse Collections'=>uri('collections'))); ?>

Suppose you want to add a link to your About simple page to the navigation. Then you just add the link to it like this:

<?php echo public_nav_main(array('Browse Items' => uri('items'), 'Browse Collections'=>uri('collections'), 'About'=>uri('about'))); ?>

Suppose you also wanted to add a link to Omeka.org in your main navigation, the you would do it like this:

<?php echo public_nav_main(array('Browse Items' => uri('items'), 'Browse Collections'=>uri('collections'), 'About'=>uri('about'), 'Omeka'=>'http://omeka.org')); ?>

Let me know if this helps.


It worked...thanks a lot...