OAI-PMH Repository errors


We are using the OAI-PMH Repository plug-in with Omeka v.1.2. Our state-wide digital portal has informed me that they are unable to harvest our metadata due to errors generated during the harvesting process.

The notification that I have received indicates that, "one problem that's likely to cause issues with getting a regular harvesting schedule is that the 'from' and 'until' parameters, which allow partial harvesting of records based on timestamps, appear to be broken in [our] implementation."

Here is a sample error from the verification test of our OAI base URL:

(13) Testing : ListIdentifiers (oai_dc, from > until) URL : http://heritage.noblenet.org/oai-pmh-repository/request?verb=ListIdentifiers&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&from=2000-01-01&until=1999-01-01

------- End of XML Response -------
Test Result : FAIL!
**** [ERROR] Error tag expected but not found : noRecordsMatch,badArgument

There are a few other types of errors also being generated, but I thought I would start with this one for now. If you need additional information, please let me know.

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback about the Repository plugin.

I believe that we have already addressed this issue with the "from" and "until" parameters. The "trunk" version currently passes all OAI Repository Explorer and conformance tests.

Can you elaborate about any other errors you noticed? As long as there are no other issues we haven't dealt with, we should be able to release an updated version of the Repository soon.

Hi John,

Here are a couple of additional errors we have seen:

(1) Testing : ListIdentifiers (oai_dc, from YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
URL : http://heritage.noblenet.org/oai-pmh-repository/request?verb=ListIdentifiers&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&from=2001-01-01T00:00:00Z

------- End of XML Response -------
Test Result : FAIL!
**** [ERROR] Error tag expected but not found : badArgument

(2) Testing : GetRecord (identifier, metadataPrefix)
URL : http://heritage.noblenet.org/oai-pmh-repository/request?verb=GetRecord&identifier=oai:heritage.noblenet.org:10194&metadataPrefix=cdwalite

------- End of XML Response -------
Test Result : FAIL!
**** [ERROR] XML Schema validation failed

For #2, there is a long error message that I can send to you if it would help. We are using Dublin Core and not CDWAlite for our metadata.

If you would like to run a validation yourself on our baseURL, just let me know.

Thank you for your help!

Thanks for that extra information.

With a few final tweaks and some final testing against the Repository Explorer, I've released a new version of the Repository, version 1.3-1.0.

Among other things, this release

  • Fixes the issue with from/until requests
  • Fixes schema validity issues with CDWA Lite
  • Adds MODS output

Note that this version of the plugin no longer adds a tab to the admin interface, it instead presents the same information in an infobox on the right side of the main admin dashboard.

This updated version of the plugin requires Omeka 1.3.


Thanks for this update. I will download v.1.3 and also the updated plugin.
