Noobie Install - 500 Internal Server Error

Trying a fresh install on webfaction server.

I can get it to install by going to

But everything else is a 500 error.

Omeka files are in 'archive' folder. Permissions set.

I think this has something to do with the Mod_rewrite base? Do I just type some commands in the .htaccess file?

Any help is appreciated.

You may need to uncomment the line in your .htaccess that specifies the RewriteBase. If your installation is in a folder called "archive", you might need to specify "/archive/" as the value for RewriteBase.

Oh thank you so much! I was beginning to think that there was not an active community for this.

For others - my problem was only removing 1 hash (#) and not both. I had to look up how to uncomment - total noob mistake.

thanks again Jeremy!