moving ExhibitBuilder custom exhibit layouts to theme folder

I have created some custom shared layouts for the ExhibitBuilder exhibit_layouts and would like to move these from the plugin directory into my theme directory. By following the following structure in my theme I'm able to load the views/public files from my theme without a problem:

  • themes
    • mytheme/
      • exhibit-builder/
        • exhibits/
          • browse.php

However, I also have custom shared layouts and would like to have these located in my theme as well (to forecome any loss or overwrites with updates etc.) by doing the following:

  • themes
    • mytheme/
      • exhibit-builder/
        • exhibit_layouts/
          • custom-layout-1/
            • layout.php
          • custom-layout-2/
            • layout.php
        • exhibits/
          • browse.php

      it partially works (css is loaded and all looks as it should) except that /themes/my-custom-theme/exhibit-builder/exhibits/show.php complains that it cannot locate layout.php for the assigned exhibit_layout. It is still looking in the ExhibitBuilder plugin directory. I have tried varying structures, but just can't seem to get it right. Any suggestions?

      p.s. using the latest version 1.3.2

Hi Melvin,

The Exhibit Builder will only read layouts from within the Exhibit Builder plugin itself, so you'll need to put those layouts in ExhibitBuilder/views/shared/exhibit_layouts.

Allright, thanks Jeremy. I'll quit trying then.