Linking exhibit item directly to full size image


I've been having some difficulty understanding how to use some of the Exhibit Builder functions. I'm also not the best at PHP, but I've been able to tweak around Omeka and customize it so far.

What I'm trying to do is link the items on the exhibit pages directly to their full size images, i.e. the archive link.

Currently the items link to their metadata. Will I need to modify the corresponding layouts for these pages ?

P.S. I only need to make this modification for a single exhibit, not all others.

I've got a similar question. I would be fine with linking to the full size image, but even better would be just displaying a regular dimensions images within the file list on the item page. Am I the only person who hates square thumbnails for photos?

(I'm using the default them on 2.0.1.)

Argh. That's what I'm trying to do, too, and Amanda French showed how to disable square thumbnails at THATCamp today and I can't find it again! I remember was a series of checkboxes where the last two are "thumbnails" and "square thumbnails" -- all you have to do is uncheck "square thumbnails." But I can't find that settings screen on my own now.

Update: I've come to the conclusion that I conflated the list of pixel widths for thumbnail and square thumbnail with check-boxes for showing square thumbnails, and am now trying to find the correct .php file in my theme so I can replace "item_square_thumbnail" with "item_thumbnail" but I'm having no luck finding the right .php file yet.

We have a couple of things happening here, with different possible fixes.

To change which sized image appears on the item/show page:
First, go into the Configuration settings for the theme.
At the bottom of the page there is a setting titled,

"Item File Gallery

Check this box if you wish to display your item files as a grid of thumbnails and icons"

Be sure to uncheck the box, and save changes if you do not want the grid of thumbs to disappear.

Each theme handles the image differently, but with that box unchecked in Seasons, you will see a full-sized image.

Beyond those changes in the admin, you can also edit the show.php page found in your Omeka installation's theme directory-- (theme-name/items/show). The items/show page will let you determine what is displayed on an item page.

Hi Sheila - there is no "uncheck the box" option in Berlin under them configuration. You can set the size of the Thumbnails that are displayed, but you can't uncheck that option. Incidentally, no matter how large I made the thumbnails, they still display super goal is to make the collections more visually appealing, and having tiny thumbnails is a definite stump to that desire.

Regarding the size of the thumbnails - were you reimporting the files or running Derivative Images to renew the thumbnails after changing the settings?