Large File sizes


I need to include some *large* files available for full download to my users. These will be high resolution images at 300 DPI, and should be viewed at the full size once downloaded and printed, for example. I want to establish a max file dimension for online viewing, but I want the full sized image to be accessible as well. Is this possible?

To make this simpler, how might I have a thumbnail, a 600px x 400px screen image, and a full 18 x 24 in, 300DPI image available for download?

Thanks so much in advance for your help!

You can control the size of your thumb, square thumb, and "full size" images through your /admin/settings panel. The "full size" image is actually a derivative of the the original file.

The original file is saved in the /archive/files folders of your installation. If you would like to give site users access to that file, you will want to create a direct link to that page. For instance, in the Sandbox there is a full sized image available of the Tubby Spencer baseball card link directly from the items/show page:

But you could add into the metadata a link to the original, archive-sized file found here:

It is up to you where you add this, but one idea is to add it in source, or under the file type metadata section. Decide on one convention and then be consistent throughout your archive.
