Geolocation Map


I'm afraid this is a silly question, but here goes.

I have downloaded the GeoLocation plugin and added it my main page navigation. I have added this line to show.php

<?php echo geolocation_google_map_for_item($item,$width='200',$height='200'); ?>

But what data is required in the item record in order to locate it on a map. Right now the item record indicates: "This item has no location info associated with it."


When you are in admin/items/add or /edit go to the Map tab on the left side. Enter in an address there or find a location directly on that map, and click Find by Address. Be sure to click "Save Changes" so that this information will be saved with the item. That item should then appear on the map in the items/show page and also on the main map/browse.

Ok, I see. This works nicely.
