Exibits Layouts css inclusion


I've got a custom general layout with a custom header.php, upgraded from omeka 1.5x.
Using the exhibit plugin, the correct layout.php, depending on the page layout selected, is used, but the current layout.css stylesheet is not included.
I figure I miss a header plugin call, but which one and how ?



There's a section in header.php commented with <!-- Stylesheets -->. Make sure your CSS file is located in the css directory of your theme, then call it as

<?php queue_css_file('YOUR_FILENAME'); ?>

Make sure you place it before

<?php echo head_css(); ?>

and don't include .css in the filename. E.g., I have a CSS file for exhibits called exhibit_local.css, so I call it this way

<?php queue_css_file('style'); ?>
<?php queue_css_file('exhibit_local'); ?>
<?php echo head_css(); ?>