Exhibits not Updating

We're using the free cloud version of Omeka, and seeing two different views for exhibits depending on the browser that I'm using. In one view on Firefox my updates are viewable, in another view (chrome) it's referencing an earlier iteration of the exhibits page. I've refreshed both browsers several times, but the same link is showing different views. Has anyone else encountered this issue, and if so, do you know how to fix?

Have you tried not just refreshing, but clearing the cache on your browser that's not seeing the updates?

Yes, I've cleared the history on both browsers and they are still showing different views.

My co-worker and I noticed something unusual. We can see the updated exhibits on the public site if we are logged into Omeka in another tab. However if we log out, we do not see the changes.

By "no updates," do you mean that there are entire exhibits missing, or that the individual exhibits are different?

It appears that if we are logged into the site, and then click "view public site," we see the exhibits. However if we are no logged in, then we do not see the updated exhibits.

Each exhibit can be Public or Private. Private exhibits won't be shown to viewers of the site who aren't logged in.

Have you checked if the "Exhibit is public" box is checked on the exhibits you're not seeing?

Yes, the "exhibit is public" is checked, and you can view the text of the exhibit, but not the "pages" images. They are only viewable when you are logged in and then click "view public site."

Hello, here are some screenshots with my comments in red. One screenshot shows what the website should look like:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzkW0GVKGLraa1lOYzlfRk5TOGc/edit?usp=sharing and the other one shows the website view showing the old content, which is what one sees unless logged into Omeka: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzkW0GVKGLraYncwWkhHMWducTg/edit?usp=sharing
