Double quotes in item description creates errors

Recently our content editors have been seeing errors popup on item pages when they add double quotation mark characters into the description box of a new item they are adding. This has been happening for the past few weeks. We haven't changed the theme (Berlin) or updated recently, as far as I'm aware. These quotation marks seem to break the code on the page. Text gets injected into the area right after the BODY tag on the page. We would like to be able to add HREF tags for links and whatnot, but adding any quotation marks anywhere in the description box breaks the page. It does this when the box is in HTML mode.

The double quotes break the page even when you're using the WYSIWG editor to create the links?

Yes, it happens even when using the WYSIWG

Can you point us to a page where this is happening?

Here you go:

Let me know if you have trouble viewing.

What do your settings look like for HTML filtering? (

Are the Twitter "card" meta tags written into your theme, or coming from some plugin? It looks like that's the source of your problem: the text is not being properly escaped there, so the markup gets messed up when your Description contains HTML (and particularly, double quotes).

Yeah, looks like there's a Twitter card plugin. I'll look into the unescaped characters & the HTML filtering.

Thanks for the help everyone! Deactivating the plugin solved the problem