Is there anyway to use a controlled vocabulary with the contribution plugin? The way my group is using Omeka, we'd like contributors to provide all the metadata associated with an item, but there are some elements where we'd like them to be limited to a controlled vocabulary. I'm using Simple Vocab which works on the admin side, but is there anyway to force contributors to choose from a dropdown menu?
I'm also curious if there is anyway to make certain fields in the Contribution page required, so users cannot submit without entering something in those fields?
Thank you!
The contribution plugin already exposes the filters that a plugin would need to use to modify the form fields just like SimpleVocab does for the admin side (they're actually the exact same filters).
The issue is that SimpleVocab currently only uses those filters on "items" pages, which doesn't include the Contribution plugin. It should be possible to make some fairly small changes to one or both plugins to make this work.
As for required fields, that's not currently possible without modifying the code, but it is a good feature to add. I'll try to get that into the next Contribution version.
We're working on making the SimpleVocab plugin work with the Contribution plugin:
After testing and further development, we may release upgrades to both plugins soon. Thanks for the idea!
That's great to hear, thanks for the help.