configure theme customization (Sepia Nostalgia)

In the Configure Theme page, under Choose a Style Sheet, I would like to restrict the choices only to Autumn (which is currently selected), so that no other person with administrative rights can change this (as they might be unaware that the Autumn css alone has been customized).

Where in the Omeka code do I do so? I can do so in Firebug, but have searched the Omeka code in vain for where I can permanently customize the actual Omeka code. Thanks for any guidance.

This sounds like it's a theme that's not from us, but based on one of ours, Seasons.

I'm pretty sure that you can do what you want in the theme's config.ini file. There should be options there for what stylesheets to make available.

Open up that file, and you should see lines like this:

style_sheet.options.multiOptions.spring = "Spring"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.summer = "Summer"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.autumn = "Autumn"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.winter = "Winter"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.night = "Night"
style_sheet.options.value = "winter"

Add semicolons to the start of the line to make Omeka ignore them:

; style_sheet.options.multiOptions.spring = "Spring"
; style_sheet.options.multiOptions.summer = "Summer"
style_sheet.options.multiOptions.autumn = "Autumn"
; style_sheet.options.multiOptions.winter = "Winter"
; style_sheet.options.multiOptions.night = "Night"
; style_sheet.options.value = "winter"

That should make Autumn the only option.

Note that updates to the theme will override this change, so it's a good candidate for a sticky note somewhere on your desk.

Thanks, I'll try that, and will report. For now, I should say that I should have clarified that it was the Sepia Nostalgia theme. I did not think that config.ini could be the culprit because my Sepia Nostalgia defaults to Autumn -- but I could not see any indication of that in config.ini.

Looks like the default value comes from this

style_sheet.options.value = "winter"

probably, in your Sepia Nostalgia theme that's actually

style_sheet.options.value = "autumn"

Looking back at what I posted, probably the corresponding line should not be commented out with the semicolon.