Changing public "Browse" url to be pre-sorted


I would like to change the url for the "browse" page of the items section which I believe is in the public_nav_items array in the /application/views/scripts/items/ php files. However, I cannot find the declaration of the array with that url in it. I would like to make the url something like the solution here for simple pages:

<nav class="items-nav navigation" id="secondary-nav">
<?php echo public_nav_items(); ?>

Best way to do that is probably to use the 'public_navigation_items' filter. That will let you look through the array and make changes to it. The starting array that comes into the filter looks like:

$navArray = array(
                'label' =>__('Browse All'),
                'uri' => url('items/browse'),
            if (total_records('Tag')) {
                $navArray[] = array(
                    'label' => __('Browse by Tag'),
                    'uri' => url('items/tags')
            $navArray[] = array(
                'label' => __('Search Items'),
                'uri' => url('items/search')

You'd have to loop through the array looking for the nested array with the correct label, then change the uri key.

Perfect! Thanks!