Browse collections problem?

One of the collections in my site contains 15 items. When I view the collection homepage <> I only see 5 items, however when I use the "View the items ..." URL <> I can see all of the items. I would like to see all of the items on the collection homepage. Where can I tweak this?

Looks like that is being hard-coded. We'll look into whether that is as it should be.

You can change it in /application/controllers/CollectionsController. Look for this line:

$this->view->items = $this->_helper->db->getTable('Item')->findBy(
            array('collection' => $this->view->collection->id), is_admin_theme() ? 10 : 5);

And change the 5 to whatever number you want to display on the public page. The 10 is the number displayed on the admin side.

Thank you!

The issue for me is that it's confusing to have TWO links for the collection -the Collection Title link, that seems to be just five "sample" items and the View Items, which houses the entire collection. The difference is not clear to the user and and I'm not sure what the purpose is behind having two versions in the first place. I would think a "sampling" might be more properly an Exhibit.

I'm guessing most users are, first and foremost, looking for the whole collection and have no idea, when they hit the Collection Title link and see some items, that there might be hundreds more hiding on another page.

How can I disable the link to the Collection Title (sample) page while leaving the title text, and could this take place at some core level and not by editing individual themes?

It will need to be done by modifying the theme. You'll want to change the collections/browse.php file.

Look for this line:

<h2><?php echo link_to_collection(); ?></h2>

and replace it with:

<h2><?php echo metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Title')); ?></h2>

Why, that's Piofect!. Woiked like a charm!

Thanks Patrick!