Upgrade Error from 1.0 to 1.2.1

After upgrading the database the error:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Zend_Controller_Front::registerPlugin() must be an instance of Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract, instance of Omeka_Core given, called in /home/sunyoneonta/cgpcommunitystories.org/index.php on line 22 and defined in /home/sunyoneonta/cgpcommunitystories.org/application/libraries/Zend/Controller/Front.php on line 731

shows on the main page. Can someone tell me how to fix this? I'm not having luck with searching the forums. I apoligize if this was answered already.


This is difficult to say because, this is a very old release.

Have you a backup of your files and of your database (if you have a shared host, there is probably one too)? So go back to previous, then disable all plugins before upgrade of the core, then reenable and upgrade your plugins one by one (with the matching version, not the last version of the plugin).


Daniel Berthereau
Infodoc & Knowledge management

Is there a full stack trace after that error message? That will help us track things down.

Are you sure you put the upgraded files in correctly?

There is no line 22 in Omeka 1.2.1's index.php file. It seems like you might be using the old index.php file from version 1.0. Obviously, it's pretty important to be running on the 1.2.1 files only instead of a mixture of old and new.