Public_Nav link to a new tab

I currently am using the public_nav helper function to generate a menu for my site.

It currently looks something like:

<?php echo public_nav(array('Home' => uri(''), 'Browse Items' => uri('items',array('sort_field' => 'id')), 'Collections'=>uri('collections'), 'Tags' => uri('items/tags?sort=alpha'),'Add Your Own'=>uri('contribution'),'About'=>uri('about'),'Help'=>uri('help'),'Some External Site'=>'')); ?>

I'd like to have the 'Some External Site' link open a new tab, but I can't figure out how.


Unfortunately, I don't think that there's a way to do that with the function

I've recently come back to this issue because not only do we want to have the Contact Us link open in a new tab, but we want to add analytics event tracking code to this link. I'm now thinking of adding a custom function based off the public_nav function.

function my_public_nav(array $navArray, $navType=null, $maxDepth = 0)
    if ($navType) {
        $filterName = 'public_navigation_' . $navType;
        $navArray = apply_filters($filterName, $navArray);
    return nav($navArray, $maxDepth);
    $contactlink='<li><a href="contactus.html" target="new" analytics tracking code>Contact Us</a></li>';
    return $contactlink;

Basically this will just append a Contact Us link in the list created by the nav function. I haven't had a chance to try it, but I think it should work. Then in my header.php file instead of using public_nav, I'd use my_public_nav.

Scratch the above post.

Much simpler to just add <li><a href="contactus.html" target="new" analytics tracking code>Contact Us</a></li> to the header.php file after:

<?php echo public_nav(array('Home' => uri(''), 'Browse Items' => uri('items',array('sort_field' => 'id')), 'Collections'=>uri('collections'), 'Tags' => uri('items/tags?sort=alpha'),'Add Your Own'=>uri('contribution'),'About'=>uri('about'),'Help'=>uri('help'),'Some External Site'=>'')); ?>

Nothing like making things more complicated.