website works without style

Hi I installed omeka
but there only links, no picture or style
Help plz


We need a little more information about the nature of your problem. Have you added items with images to your archive and they are not appearing on the public site?
If this is the case, please tell us what version of Omeka you are running, the public theme you have chosen, and the web browser you are viewing the site from.

Or, are you interested in finding more colorful themes for the public site design?

There are only 2 themes that come standard with the Omeka installation, but more are available for download here:


Hi vivaviet,

In addition to what Sheila asked above, please provide a link to your site if possible.



I think I just encountered a similar problem to vivaviet. I installed Omeka locally on my computer, but when I go to the admin page there's no GUI to it - just bare bones text and links on a white screen. The program functions fine, but it isn't pretty. I'm using it on a windows machine, with an XAMPP server installed. Help?
