version of imagemagick should i install

I downloaded and installed omeka and its running ok, exept for imagemagick its not generating the thumbnails. My details are:
XAMPP v3.2.1
PHP: 5.6.3
Windows 7 enterprise
Which version of imagemagick should i install?


I installed xampp in an unusual location:
and OMEKA into:
Should i install xampp in the usual location?
C:\Program Files
and OMEKA into
C:\Program Files\htdocs\omeka


I found a tutorial to install imagemagick, include php_imagick.dll into the xampp\php\ext and modify the php.ini with this line: extension=php_imagick.dll
i tried but dont work.
I tested with
version, location or extension=php_imagick.dll?

thank you

The location of the XAMPP install shouldn't matter much.

The best option is usually to just use the command-line ImageMagick install available directly from their website at

Just putting the full path to the directory where you installed (or unzipped if you used the zip package) ImageMagick into Omeka's "ImageMagick Directory Path" setting on the Settings page should work. The "Test" button may fail, but the thumbnails should get generated as long as you give the right path.

If you do things this way, you don't need to fool with php_imagick.dll at all.

Thank you
I found the problem, i was using the 64 bit version.
32 bits version (in the link you sent) worked fine for my system.So the local test its complete.

Now im going to try on the remote server.
Should i upload all folders and files installed in my local machine via ftp? or i have to execute the programs omeka and imagemagick directly into the remote server?

Is your remote server also Windows/XAMPP?

For the Linux-based servers that commonly host Omeka installs, I'd generally recommend that you just install ImageMagick with whatever package management tool is native to the system you're using. For shared hosts, ImageMagick is often already installed, or you could ask your host about it.

If the remote _is_ a Windows server that you control, then I suppose installing ImageMagick there with the same installer, or using the "portable" zipped version, is your best option.

Ok, i ll let you know how its going.
thank you very much.