User permission to CSV impot


My Admin users do not see CSVimport plugin when they access admin, when I checked the function.php in the plugin I saw the following:
Any reason why this Hack happen to deny Admin from Csv use?

can I take out the deny to allow admin to access the Csv?
Can I allow Contributor too to access the Csv?

function csv_import_define_acl($acl)
// only allow super users and admins to import csv files
'CsvImport_Index' => array(
// Hack to disable CRUD actions.
$acl->deny(null, 'CsvImport_Index', array('show', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'));
$acl->deny('admin', 'CsvImport_Index');

Taking out that second "deny" line will let admins access the plugin, and you should be able to add an "allow" if you want to allow other roles to have access.

Thanks John,
Can you explain what this will do!

$acl->deny(null, 'CsvImport_Index', array('show', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'));

That line is denying everybody access to some pages the importer doesn't actually use.

You shouldn't change that one.