Title appears twice


I am encountering a problem: http://base.cuartopropio.net/cms/items/show/2

The "title" appears twice on every item: as a heading and under the DC title field.

Any ideas on how to fix this?


You could edit your theme to just show the elements you choose.

If you want to use PHP, you'd remove the all_element_texts() function and replace it with a series of functions for each field you want to show, e.g. metadata('item',array('Dublin Core','Description')).

Or, more simply, just hide that field with CSS, e.g. .element-set #dublin-core-title{display:none}

Easiest of all, just use the Hide Elements plugin: http://omeka.org/add-ons/plugins/hide-elements/

Awesome, thanks!

It was so easy! Thank you for your help!