omeka db integration

What would be a strategy for having all or parts of Omeka collections accessible by a larger search engine such as Ex Libris Primo? Would it be something to do with exposing fields in the Omeka db?

You can harvest Omeka via another OAI-PMH service, as long as you make your Omeka site an OAI-PMH Provider.

Not sure if there's anything that can be done with APIs.

We are working on an API to get data out of Omeka in more ways for Omeka 2.1. It would then be up to something in the middle to manage the data from the API to whereever it needs to go.


I am guessing the OAI_PMH service would be accomplished via the Omeka plugin?

re: API, hope that might include custom item type metadata as well since we're designing our own dataset fields for collections and do not use Dublin Core for much except title.

Yes, you can accomplish the OAI-PMH harvest via the Provider plugin. And it supports custom item long as your target/Harvest system includes the same item types and elements.

Keep in mind that images and other files don't get harvested; just the metadata.

2.1 APIs sound great! I foresee some cool THATCamp hackathons.

There is a plugin for Omeka oai_pmh_ harvester 2 or I can do to make the harvest in this version?