OAI harvest-able?

I am wondering if Omeka sites are OAI harvestable? I have only a vague understanding of the compliance issues, but one is simple Dublin Core. Can the database export out DC XML and is it technically difficult to allow it to be harvested? My institution is interested in participating in the Digital Commonwealth project, Massachusetts's new cultural heritage portal which is harvesting digital library projects.

(I heard about the OAI importer, which sounds very cool.)


I consulted with Jim who is developing the OAI-PMH import/export plugin and found out the following:

Omeka is not currently OAI harvestable. To become OAI compliant we would need to provide OAI-PMH XML, which we don't. However, we do have long-term plans to make Omeka a registered OAI data provider via a plugin.

We do offer Dublin Core RDF using ?output=dc on the admin item browse and item show pages.

The Digital Commonwealth project seems like a great initiative. The import/export plugin will be available this summer. We will keep everyone informed as we plan out the OAI-compliant plugin development.


Just checking in to see if progress has been made on making Omeka harvestable? We would find that feature extremely useful. Thanks!


I imagine that Omeka will eventually be made OAI harvestable via a plugin. Before this can be written we need to finalize the new Omeka data model and plugin API. Expect a public release (v0.10) in a month or two. Though, for the moment, our priority is migration into Omeka, so I would expect a data harvester before a data provider is available.



Any news on this?
We are very interested in such a plug-in.



It is available now for testing with the 1.0 beta: http://omeka.org/blog/2009/05/07/help-us-test-the-beta-oai-pmh-harvester-plugin/

Please, check it out.

It sounds like Xtofe is looking for the OAI-PMH repository plugin that's actually a data provider.. they're in luck b/c we have that, too!

Here's the latest from the dev group: http://groups.google.com/group/omeka-dev/browse_thread/thread/17f4440eed3ddffe?pli=1