Modifying Exhibit Builder - items/show

Hi all,

I am trying to edit Exhibit Builder such that clicking the thumbnail icons in an Exhibit take the user to the public theme's item/show page, rather than the Exhibit Builder's default one.

Apologies if this has been answered on the forums already and I just couldn't dig it out. I have a feeling I have one or two lines of code to change here...

I am using the Deco theme.



Oops, I figured it out (thought this should be the way.. but did something silly before and that's why it didn't work)!
But this might be helpful to somebody else so...

I overwrote the


with the contents of:

themes\[public theme]\items\show.php

where [public theme] is in my case Deco. All works fine now!


I had come to the same conclusion -- a year later -- but wonder if there is away to have that override (for plugins/Exhibit_builder/views/public/exhibits/item.php) live in the Deco theme folder instead of modifying the core Omeka files.

What would be the path in the theme folder to override the plugin's item.php file?