Is myomeka still available


I'm a phd student hoping to use Omeka for a project I'm working on. Particularly, we are interested in the myomeka plugin making it possible for users to create their own collections.

I'm looking over the documentation for what I need on our server, and it looks like myomeka is no longer listed on the plugins page.

Am I missing something that says it is no longer available in Omeka's current version?

If it is still available, can someone point me in the direction of where to get it? I apologize if I'm just missing it somehow.

You can find it here
Unfortunately, it is not compatible with the current version of Omeka. We are interested in using it, so if you get it working for the current version, please let us know.

Thanks for the quick response!
I will certainly try.

We are currently working on a revision to MyOmeka to make it compatible with the latest version of Omeka. The timeline is somewhat uncertain, but it is receiving a lot of developer time here at the Center.


Any updates on this? I would like to get the MyOmeka plugin as well.

An Omeka 1.5 compatible MyOmeka has gone through a round of internal testing for functionality and user experience. We're currently revising based on the feedback from that, and hope to have something coming out very soon.

Hello Patrick,

Is there any update on MyOmeka. Are there any additions to the functionality of the plugin?


There is a new version nearly ready for release. It will not have any new functionality, but it will be usable on versions 1.5 and above.

Will this plug-in be available for Omeka 2.0 and above?


Would love to hear and update on this.
Also, I'm a developer, well versed in PHP, and more than willing to help in any way to get this, or a temporary version, up and running!