installing omeka

Hi! I am a newer with omeka digital library. I want to install it. I created a database called omeka, i configured well the file db.ini. But when i tried to access to my site with localhost, i got this error : Omeka has encountered an error. Is there anyone who can tell me what to do? Thanks!

Have you turned on error messages. That will help identify the problem.

Yes, i have already tried to follow the steps described on the page 'retrieving error message'. i uncommented the line
# SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
But nothing was displayed.
So i set the value of log.errors to true but nothing also was displayed in the file errors.log .
I don't know if the errors is due to the database. Because the only thing i did with my Mysql is to create a database called omeka. I didn't create any tables.

Did you do step 2 (If you're trying to debug a 404 ("Not Found") or 403 ("Forbidden") error, open application/config/config.ini, and change the value of debug.exceptions to true.) and have you double-checked your .htaccess?

i did also the step2. but nothing at all.
This is my file application/config/config.ini

; Site Configuration File ;
; Lower-level settings for Omeka are defined here.
; The default settings should be correct for most Omeka users, but some
; setups may require some changes. People who are developing for or
; debugging Omeka may also change some of these settings.


; Localization ;

; The locale identifier used for translating and displaying Omeka.
; default: none
; The locale controls what language Omeka will be displayed in, and
; also how dates and other locale-sensitive data will be displayed.
; The locale identifier should be a valid ISO 639 language code,
; and optionally a valid ISO 3166-1 locale code.
; (Examples: "es" for Spanish, "en_US" for US English.)
; To enable translations, the identifier must also have a
; corresponding .mo file in the application/languages directory. = ""

; Debugging ;

; debug.exceptions
; Throw exceptions for bad URLs.
; default: false
; This should only be enabled when debugging or developing for Omeka.
debug.exceptions = true

; debug.request
; Dump data about each web request to the browser.
; default: false
; The request data shows what routes and variables Omeka has parsed from
; each request.
debug.request = false

; debug.profileDb
; Enable the query profiler.
; default: false
; This will show metadata about the queries that were executed during
; each request.
debug.profileDb = false

; Send all log messages to an email address.
; default: ""
; Anything that would be logged will also be emailed to this address.
; If left blank, this feature is disabled. = ""

; debug.emailLogPriority
; Apply a priority filter to emailed log messages.
; default: Zend_Log::ERR
; If an address has been set for, this setting filters the
; messages to only those of the given priority or higher.
debug.emailLogPriority = Zend_Log::ERR

; Logging ;

; log.errors
; Log errors and other information.
; default: false
; Errors, exceptions, and other messages will be logged to
; application/logs/errors.log (this file must be writable by the web
; server if logging is enabled).
log.errors = true

; log.priority
; The minimum priority level of messages that should be logged.
; When developing/debugging, use Zend_Log::DEBUG for debug() to work.
This will record everything.
; default: Zend_Log::WARN (Logs warnings and above)
log.priority = Zend_Log::WARN

; log.sql
; Log SQL statements.
; default: false
; All SQL statements executed by Omeka will be included in Omeka's
; error log.
log.sql = false

; Sessions ;
; Omeka uses Zend Framework's session handling. A full list of
; available session configuration options can be found here:
; Some options that are often useful for Omeka sites are included here.

; Sets the name used for the Omeka session cookie.
; default: ""
; If left blank, Omeka will automatically select a unique session name. = ""

; session.saveHandler
; Determines how session data will be saved.
; default: no setting (uses the database for saving session data)
; Sessions are now stored in the database by default. To revert to the
; older method of storing session data in the filesystem, uncomment the
; following line.
; session.saveHandler = ""

; Theme ;

; theme.useInternalAssets
; Whether Omeka should use locally-stored asset files.
; default: false
; Omeka includes some asset files from external sources, such as Google by
; default. Set this to true if the Omeka installation does not have
; web access, and Omeka will instead serve local copies of these files.
theme.useInternalAssets = false

; Background Scripts ;

; background.php.path
; Path to PHP-CLI for running background processes.
; default: ""
; If left blank, Omeka will try to autodetect the right path. Set this
; to override the autodetected PHP path.
background.php.path = ""

; jobs.dispatcher
; How Omeka "jobs" will be executed.
; default: "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_Synchronous"
; Newer Omeka features and plugins use this setting to determine how
; long-running jobs will be run.
; The default setting should work for all installations, but may
; time out for longer jobs. On systems where the older PHP background
; processes worked, the BackgroundProcess adapter can be used instead
; of the Synchronous one.
jobs.dispatcher.default = "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_Synchronous"
jobs.dispatcher.longRunning = "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_BackgroundProcess"

; Mail ;
; For more info, see Zend Framework documentation on Zend_Mail:

; mail.transport.type
; The system Omeka will use to send email messages.
; default: "Sendmail"
; The default is to send mail using PHP's built-in mail() function.
mail.transport.type = "Sendmail"

; Uncomment some of the following lines (and comment the above line)
; to switch to SMTP for sending mail through Omeka. Your configuration
; may not require all of the options listed.
; mail.transport.type = "Smtp"
; = ""
; mail.transport.port = ### ; Port number, if applicable.
; = "" ; Local client hostname, e.g. "localhost"
; mail.transport.auth = "login" ; For authentication, if required.
; mail.transport.username = ""
; mail.transport.password = ""
; mail.transport.ssl = "" ; For SSL support, set to "ssl" or "tls"

; Sample S3 cloud storage configuration
; The accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, and bucket options are all required.
; If the expiration option is set, files will be uploaded with "private"
; access, and Omeka will generate URLs that are only valid for a limited
; time. If the expiration option is missing or left commented out,
; uploaded files will always be publicly readable.
; storage.adapter = "Omeka_Storage_Adapter_ZendS3"
; storage.adapterOptions.accessKeyId =
; storage.adapterOptions.secretAccessKey =
; storage.adapterOptions.bucket =
; storage.adapterOptions.expiration = 10 ; URL expiration time (in minutes)
; storage.adapterOptions.endpoint = ; Custom S3 endpoint (optional)

; Security ;

; ssl
; Secure Socket Layer support for Omeka.
; default: none
; Ensure that your server is properly configured before enabling this
; setting. Choose one of the following:
; "logins"
; Force SSL for login forms and login form submissions.
; "sessions"
; Force SSL for all authenticated users to protect sessions. Includes
; login forms.
; "always"
; Force SSL on across the entire site.
; ssl = "always"

; Upload ;

; upload.maxFileSize
; Set the maximum file upload size.
; default: 10M
; Uncomment the following line to set the maximum file upload size. This
; configuration will not exceed the maximum beyond what is set in the
; 'post_max_size' or 'upload_max_filesize' core php.ini directives.
;upload.maxFileSize = "10M"

Maybe if you want i can copy also the file db.ini

Can you tell us more about the environment - you say localhost so it seems like you're running it on a machine. What are you using? (MAMP?)

Yes i am running it on a machine. am i using MAMP? I don't know. To install omeka, i used this
link: Install on Ubuntu using Terminal
So i don't know if i am using MAMP or not

But i can tell that i am using Ubuntu as the operating system.

You're using LAMP--Linux Apache MySQL PHP. (MAMP would be on a Mac.)

Ok. So mebrett, do you want to see some others files of my project?

No, I just wanted to be sure you've double-checked them. So you start LAMP and open Omeka and even with the Application_Env set to Development you're not getting error messages?

How about changing the logging to Debug (look for this in the config file under Logging
; default: Zend_Log::WARN (Logs warnings and above)
log.priority = Zend_Log::WARN)

i paste the part of the file:

Log errors and other information.
 ; default: false
 ; Errors, exceptions, and other messages will be logged to
 ; application/logs/errors.log (this file must be writable by the web
 ; server if logging is enabled).
 log.errors = true

 ; log.priority
 ; The minimum priority level of messages that should be logged.
 ; When developing/debugging, use Zend_Log::DEBUG for debug() to work. This will$
 ; default: Zend_Log::WARN (Logs warnings and above)
 log.priority = Zend_Log::WARN

Even if my application is not working until now i want to thank you to take time aside to answer my questions

It's also worth looking in /application/logs/errors.log to see if 1) it exists, 2) it is writable by the server, and 3) errors are being recorded there.

The file /application/logs/errors.log exists. I ckecked but Nothing is recorded. How can i make the file writable by the server?

It'll vary a bit from system to system, but in general giving wide access with

chmod a+w errors.log

from the command line should guarantee that it's writable (though could open up security issues).

I suspect, though, that it's not trying to write messages yet -- if so, that should have produced an error message of its own if it couldn't write.

Maybe put the error level to log.priority = Zend_Log::DEBUG in config.ini.

We've also seen some situations where the environment setting of

SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development

doesn't work as expected. Might be worth double-checking that in .htaccess, and if it is correct we might have another of those situations on our hands.

i have just tried all you suggested. But unfortunately, Nothing happened

here is my file .htaccess

# Omeka .htaccess: Apache configuration file
 # This file is required for Omeka to function correctly.

 # --------------- #
 # Error Reporting #
 # --------------- #

 # Uncomment the SetEnv line below to turn on detailed on-screen error
 # reporting.
 # Note: This should only be enabled for development or debugging. Keep this
 # line commented for production sites.
  SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development

 # ------------- #
 # Rewrite Rules #
 # ------------- #

 RewriteEngine on

 # If you know mod_rewrite is enabled, but you are still getting mod_rewrite
 # errors, uncomment the line below and replace "/" with your base directory.
 # RewriteBase /

 # Allow direct access to files (except PHP files)
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
 RewriteRule !\.php$ - [C]
 RewriteRule .* - [L]

 RewriteRule ^install/.*$ install/install.php [L]
 RewriteRule ^admin/.*$ admin/index.php [L]
 RewriteRule .* index.php

 # -------------- #
 # Access Control #
 # -------------- #

 # Block access to all .ini files.
 <FilesMatch "\.ini$">
     Order Allow,Deny
     Deny from all

 # --------#
 # Caching #
 # --------#

 # Uncomment the lines below in order to enable caching of some files
 # (after a finished site has gone live)
 # <IfModule mod_expires.c>
 #    <FilesMatch "\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$">
 #        ExpiresActive on
 #        ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 day"
 #    </FilesMatch>
 # </IfModule>

 # ------------ #
 # PHP Settings #
 # ------------ #

 <IfModule mod_php5.c>
     php_flag register_globals off
     php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

i solved the problem. I found that i didn't well configure mod_rewrite of the server apache. Now everything is ok. Thank you all for your answers