ImageMagick directory path & image derivative generation fails

I've scoured this forum for information on my problem, but cannot fix it. ImageMagick is installed and works. "make test" and "convert" tests both succeed. The archive directory has 777 permissions. However, with /usr/local/bin/ set as my ImageMagick directory path, the test at [omekaurl]/admin/settings fails. Uploading a file generates this error: "Something went wrong with image creation. Please notify an administrator."

/application/logs/error.log contains:

2009-11-18T09:59:53-05:00 DEBUG (7): Could not retrieve element text for the element named "Channels"
2009-11-18T09:59:53-05:00 DEBUG (7): Could not retrieve element text for the element named "Exif Array"
2009-11-18T09:59:53-05:00 DEBUG (7): Could not retrieve element text for the element named "Exif String"
2009-11-18T09:59:53-05:00 DEBUG (7): Could not retrieve element text for the element named "IPTC Array"
2009-11-18T09:59:53-05:00 DEBUG (7): Could not retrieve element text for the element named "IPTC String"

After seeing this post:

I upgraded to 1.1. No change.

Running on Debian Lenny LAMP, within VirtualBox 3.0.8.

I appreciate any pointers to documentation or suggestions for troubleshooting. I followed the ImageMagick installation instuctions exactly, so I can imagine what the problem is.

"so I *can't* imagine what the problem is." Apparently, I've lost the ability to revise.

BTW, VirtualBox is running on Windows Server 2003, just in case this is relevant.

ImageMagick version:

Version: ImageMagick 6.5.6-10 2009-11-17 Q16 OpenMP

It appears that the problem is not with image creation (ImageMagick), but instead the extraction of metadata from the image at the time that you upload it. Are you repeatedly trying to upload the same image? Try a few different file types (including a non-image) and see how the software handles that. I wonder if there's an error handling a particular file type, or if this is a problem relating to how Omeka plays w/ your server configuration.


Thanks for your help. I found that my ImageMagick installation was not configured to support JPEG, PNG, TIFF, et al.

I guess these libraries are not installed by default on Debian. hmm. It seems like the ImageMagick installation script should be configured to check for and install these dependencies.

Anyway, I solved our problems by installing the following packages:


and reinstalling ImageMagick.

Can you point me toward documentation for installing other libraries (or at least what the package names are). It'd be sweet if these libraries could be added without having to completely reinstall ImageMagick.