How to display more than 10 collection links per page

On my browse collections page I would like to show the links to all my collections on one page. I can see how to do this for items, but not for collections. Where do I need to look?

Ok - I figured out an answer for my question, maybe not the most elegant, but it does what I need it to do. In the collections/browse.php file I first changed the pagination option from the default limit of 10 to 20:

<div class="pagination"><?php echo pagination_links(); ?>

changed to:
<div class="pagination"><?php echo pagination_links($options = array('per_page' => 20)); ?></div>

Secondly, instead of using the wile loop with the (loop_collections() function, I use get_collections(), which allows me to also up the limit from default 10 to 20, and I then use a foreach to loop through. I am not interested in displaying the collection description or the collector name, but I am interested in the total number of items per collection. So I made the following changes:


<?php while (loop_collections()): ?>
             <div class="collection">
             <h3><div class="view-items-link"><?php echo link_to_browse_items(__('%s ', collection('Name')), array('collection' => collection('id'))); ?> <?php echo ' ('. total_items_in_collection() .')'; ?></div></h3>
             <?php echo plugin_append_to_collections_browse_each(); ?>
            </div><!-- end class="collection" -->
<?php endwhile; ?>

changed to:

<?php $collections = get_collections($params = array(), $limit = 20); ?>

<?php foreach ($collections as $collection) { ?>
	        <div class="collection">
	        <h2><div class="view-items-link">
	        <?php echo link_to_browse_items($collection->name, array('collection' => $collection->id)); ?>
	        <!-- need to set current collection, otherwise we cannot call total_items_in_collection() -->
	        <?php set_current_collection(get_collection_by_id($collection->id)); ?>
	        <?php echo ' ('. total_items_in_collection() .')'; ?>
                <?php echo plugin_append_to_collections_browse_each(); ?>
                </div><!-- end class="collection" -->
<?php } ?>