Error on accessing URL, No code No fix after uncommenting SetEnv ... in .htacces

Following the advice from the error page's link at

I tried uncommenting
# SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
in .htaccess

I restarted Apache to no avail.

What little pernickety thing am I missing?

I'm running Omeka 2.3.1 (on Kubuntu 15.04 Vivid) as per instructions (is there a check list for this set of instructions?)

excepting I've put it in a subdirectory of /var/www

as I didn't want it hogging that area.

The next thing to try is to see if you can get errors to show up in the logs. On the same "Retrieving Error Messages" link, there's a guide for doing that at the bottom.

I seem to be at the same place as

errors.log is empty after a reboot

errors.log is owned by root and in group webdev

is that a problem?

It might be that there are different directories in the apache.conf file to specify for overriding.

My info for that section looks like this, but it might be slightly different for ubuntu

<Directory />
	Options FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride All
	Require all denied

<Directory /usr/share>
	AllowOverride None
	Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/>
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride All
	Require all granted

Probably the thing to check is whether the directory where you have Omeka is specified

in /etc/apache2/apache.conf I have the following below, I cannot see any difference....

surely /var/www/ will include sub-directories?

<Directory />
	Options FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride None
	Require all denied

<Directory /usr/share>
	AllowOverride None
	Require all granted

<Directory /var/www/>
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride None
	Require all granted