Dropbox Error: image creation

I've installed the Dropbox plugin, made the files folder writeable, and used ftp to put .jpg images in the dropbox.

When I create an item and try to associate files from the Dropbox with the item, I get the following error: Something went wrong with image creation. Please notify an administrator.

When I go directly to the dropbox and try to Upload to an item, I get the same error:
The following file(s) could NOT be uploaded:

Something went wrong with image creation. Please notify an administrator.

Despite getting these errors, the images are uploaded, the files are created in the archive folder, but the files are not removed from the Dropbox, as I assume maybe they should be.

I already added the additional File Types as instructed on the bottom of the Dropbox Plugin site. I do not get this error with .pdf files.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

The Something went wrong with image creation error is caused by a problem with the ImageMagick program on your system.

Check to make sure the ImageMagick path is set correctly in Site Settings (it should be set to the directory which contains the convert program on your server).

The ImageMagick path says it works when I click Test. I did not have this problem before I installed Dropbox.

Now I'm still getting the error, even after I disabled and uninstalled Dropbox.

I asked my host about an alternative path for ImageMagick but they said there was none.

Haven't been able to get any help from the host, but since it worked before I installed Dropbox I suspect it's an error on the software end, not the host. Will uninstall and reinstall if there are no other ideas for how to fix.

Update! After scouring through the forums and trying everything possible to resolve this image creation error (by the way, I enabled error logging, but no logs were ever created), I finally deactivated the other Plugin I had activated, Exhibits.

It fixed the problem.

I don't know what the problem was with Exhibits, but deactivating it instantly solved the image creation problem. I installed both Dropbox and Exhibits at about the same time, and thought it was related to Dropbox, since the first error message I received was when I uploaded a group of files with Dropbox.

I don't need the Exhibits plugin right now, so I'll save that troubleshooting for another day.

Just wanted to send the update on this error.

falian, can you share your version of Omeka, Dropbox, and ExhibitBuilder?

Also, can you confirm that you get the error again by reactivating ExhibitBuilder (and only that plugin), and trying to upload the same image you had trouble with? I can't think of a good reason at all why ExhibitBuilder would prevent Dropbox from creating items, but if you can confirm your details and confirm you get this error again when reactivating ExhibitBuilder, we may have a better chance of tracking down the issue.