Displaying Files on Public Page

I would like to have individual files displayed under an item and across the page. Right now, the files are displayed in a box to the right of the item description:

How would I do this? I guess it involves changing the theme format? I am using the Seasons theme.

Thank You,


Yes. You'd go to the seasons/items/show.php file and just move the code around to where you want it. The code you want to move is right at the top of the sidebar, and you'd likely move it to right before this line:

<?php fire_plugin_hook('public_items_show', array('view' => $this, 'item' => $item)); ?>

Sorry, I see the line pictured above, but the code I need to move you said is at the top of the sidebar. Do you mean the first line? Here is what I see:

<?php echo head(array('title' => metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Title')), 'bodyid'=>'item','bodyclass' => 'show')); ?>

<h1><?php echo metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Title')); ?></h1>

<div id="primary">

<?php echo all_element_texts('item'); ?>

</div><!-- end primary -->

<aside id="sidebar">

<!-- The following returns all of the files associated with an item. -->
<?php if (metadata('item', 'has files')): ?>
<div id="itemfiles" class="element">
<h3><?php echo __('Files'); ?></h3>
<div class="element-text"><?php echo files_for_item(); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>

<!-- If the item belongs to a collection, the following creates a link to that collection. -->
<?php if (metadata('item', 'Collection Name')): ?>
<div id="collection" class="element">
<h3><?php echo __('Collection'); ?></h3>
<div class="element-text"><p><?php echo link_to_collection_for_item(); ?></p></div>
<?php endif; ?>

<!-- The following prints a list of all tags associated with the item -->
<?php if (metadata('item', 'has tags')): ?>
<div id="item-tags" class="element">
<h3><?php echo __('Tags'); ?></h3>
<div class="element-text"><?php echo tag_string('item'); ?></div>
<?php endif;?>

<!-- The following prints a citation for this item. -->
<div id="item-citation" class="element">
<h3><?php echo __('Citation'); ?></h3>
<div class="element-text"><?php echo metadata('item', 'citation', array('no_escape' => true)); ?></div>

<?php fire_plugin_hook('public_items_show', array('view' => $this, 'item' => $item)); ?>


<ul class="item-pagination navigation">
<li id="previous-item" class="previous"><?php echo link_to_previous_item_show(); ?>
<li id="next-item" class="next"><?php echo link_to_next_item_show(); ?>

<?php echo foot(); ?>

The stuff that displays the files is:

<!-- The following returns all of the files associated with an item. -->
<?php if (metadata('item', 'has files')): ?>
<div id="itemfiles" class="element">
<h3><?php echo __('Files'); ?></h3>
<div class="element-text"><?php echo files_for_item(); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>

So moving that stuff up to before the I mentioned should do it

Moved it, but no change in file display. I will have to come back to this.

Thanks, Patrick.