Different item show pages for different collections?

Is it possible to have different item layouts based on the item's Collection? I imagine you can just create a specialized item show page. Can you write a if-then type statement to determine which show page displays? If so, where does it go?

I have collections with very different types of material: images, video, and links to newspaper databases. I'm using a modified Rhythm theme.


You can do the kind of switching you describe, if you want to. A simple example (for the show page):

$collectionName = collection('Name');
if($collectionName == 'Things') {
    // Things layout (or include a whole script) here
} else if ($collectionName == 'Stuff') {
    // Stuff layout/include here
} else {
    // Layout for items from other or no collection.

Thanks. Can you walk me through a bit more. I inserted the code at the top of the page like so:

<?php head(array('title' => item('Dublin Core', 'Title'),'bodyid'=>'items','bodyclass' => 'show')); ?>

$collectionName = collection('Name');
if($collectionName == 'Media Reports and Commentary') {

<div id="primary">

<h5><?php echo item('Dublin Core', 'Title'); ?></h5> [with 3 layouts specified]

But I just get all three layouts regardless of the collection. I assume I'm making a simple mistake in coding, but I'm a novice.


You need to enclose PHP code like what I posted in <?php and ?> tags. The confusion is partly my fault, the example I posted isn't quite like what you'd normally see in an Omeka view script. This should be a little better:

<?php $collectionName = collection('Name');
if ($collectionName == 'Things'): ?>
    // Things layout (or include a whole script) here
<?php elseif ($collectionName == 'Stuff'): ?>
    // Stuff layout/include here
<?php else: ?>
    // Layout for items from other or no collection.
<?php endif; ?>

Okay, now I just get one layout without errors, but I'm not getting the collection specific layouts. Where does the code you gave me go?

Here's how I'm starting the page:

<?php head(array('title' => item('Dublin Core', 'Title'),'bodyid'=>'items','bodyclass' => 'show')); ?>

<?php $collectionName = collection('Name');
if ($collectionName == 'Media Reports and Commentary'): ?>

<div id="primary">

<h5><?php echo item('Dublin Core', 'Title'); ?></h5>

Try replacing the collection('Name'); part with this:

collection('Name', get_collection_for_item());

This is my code:

<?php $collection('Name', get_collection_for_item());
if ($collectionName == 'Media Reports and Commentary'): ?>

Result: Fatal error. Maybe this can't work?

I wasn't quite specific enough I guess. That first line needs to be:

$collectionName = collection('Name', get_collection_for_item());

Okay, no error. But not picking up the alternate layout either.

higbie, I think it would help if you could paste the text of your entire show.php file. Github gists is a great way to share chunks of code. You could also use Pastebin.

Jeremy and John:

Here's a link to the code:
I can embed it too if you like.

Thanks for your help. I'm probably making a simple error.

Toby Higbie

For some reason, the code John suggested isn't working. Instead of doing this:

<?php $collectionName = collection('Name', get_collection_for_item());
if ($collectionName == 'Media Reports and Commentary'): ?>

Use the item_belongs_to_collection function in your if statements, like this:

<?php if (item_belongs_to_collection('Media Reports and Commentary')): ?>

Your template stuff here.

<?php elseif (item_belongs_to_collection('Oral Histories')): ?>

Your template stuff here.

<?php endif; ?>

You don't need to define $collectionName; Just use the name of the collection as the first argument of the item_belongs_to_collection function. More information on that function is in the codex.

At long last, I've returned to this task and it works! Thanks a million.

One last follow up. If you have more than two templates, your code doesn't quite work. I got it to work with this:

<?php if (item_belongs_to_collection('Media Reports and Commentary')): ?>

Your template stuff here.

<?php elseif (item_belongs_to_collection('Oral Histories')): ?>

Your template stuff here.

<?php else: ?>

default (or last) template stuff here

There is no "endif" statement.

I don't know if that's "right," but it works for now.

Even when adding the else:, if statements like this should always have an endif; at the end.

Is there an easier way to include sub-templates or snippets instead of writing out the whole template in one file?

So could you do something like..

<?php if (item_belongs_to_collection('Media Reports and Commentary')): ?>


<?php elseif (item_belongs_to_collection('Oral Histories')): ?>


<?php else: ?>


<?php endif; ?>

Sure. Omeka has a function called common() that loads another PHP file from within your theme, or you could use PHP's built-in include directive.

I am looking to do this with the latest release Omeka 2.3. I haven't been able to get the codes suggested here to work. Have there been syntax changes that someone could point me towards that might affect this?


Here's a basic code I am trying that is not responding:

<?php if (item_belongs_to_collection('Metropolitan Design Center'): ?>

        <?php echo link_to_item(item_image('thumbnail', array('alt' => $itemTitle))); ?>

        <?php else: ?>

        <?php echo link_to_item(item_image('fullsize', array('alt' => $itemTitle))); ?>

<?php endif; ?>

Maybe I need to "get" the collection name first?

It is a little different in Omeka 2.3, but your instinct to get the collection name is right.

I haven't tested this directly, but I think it'd be something like:

$currentItem = get_current_record('items');
$collectionName = metadata($currentItem, 'collection_name');
// do your check against the collection name and write the link. I _think_ that will work as you have it.

Thanks patrickmj! I am still tweaking my chosen display settings, but the code itself is now working:

$currentItem = get_current_record('items');
$collectionName = metadata($currentItem, 'collection_name');

if ($collectionName == 'Metropolitan Design Center'): ?>

<div id="itemfiles" class="element">
    <h3><?php echo __('Images'); ?></h3>

    <?php echo item_image_gallery(
  'link' => array('class' => 'link'),
  'image' => array('class' => 'image')),

<?php else: ?>

<?php echo link_to_item(item_image('fullsize', array('alt' => $itemTitle))); ?>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php echo all_element_texts('item'); ?>