Developer needed

The Center for Home Movies is looking for a developer for our site, the Home Movie Registry at The project aggregates digitized home movies from online archives into a central location. We are mainly looking for help with keeping video embed codes from being stripped out in CSV imports but have some other issues with mapping that we would be interested in solving as well. Please contact jauhrich at indiana dot edu.


This is not a bug but a feature: html code is filtered for security reasons, so you can't import iframe...

The quick solution is to import it as text and to set html via sql.

Another quick and unsecure solution is to add <iframe> and other needed tags in the list of authorized tags in application/libraries/Omeka/Filter/HtmlPurifier.php.

The alternative solution is to modify the plugin, either:
- to add an option in order to remove this filtering if wanted,
- or to use the security settings set in /admin/settings/edit-security (CsvImport uses an Omeka hard coded html filter).


Daniel Berthereau
Infodoc & Knowledge management