Customizing item display in exhibits

I am trying to make some changes to the way items in our exhibit display when they are reached by browsing. An example can be found here:

First, we would like the files to appear at the top of the page, above the metadata. Second, we would like to change the square thumbnails to thumbnails that preserve the aspect ratio of the originals.

These changes should ideally be theme-level, because there is another exhibit on our server (using a different theme) that we would like to leave unchanged.

I have been able to make similar changes in the items/show.php, so I know what the content of the changes should be. I really just need help finding the php files that I need to alter.

We sincerely appreciate any help.


The documentation page about changing exhibit themes to public themes. It's not exactly the same process, but that page tells you what files you can create in your theme to modify the exhibit display.

In your case, you'd want to create a modified version of ExhibitBuilder's "views/public/exhibits/item.php" and place it in your theme at "exhibit-builder/exhibits/item.php".

That is exactly what I needed. Both changes are in place and the page looks just as we wanted.

Big thanks for the quick and helpful response.