Creating a neatline exhib. with geoserver, Geotiff problems?

Hello there,

After more than a week of desperate googling to no avail i think i need some help.

Im just trying to set up a neatline exhibit with a georectified map done trough ArcMap 10.

I guess the problem im having is with Geoserver in general. I have followed the Neatline guide up to part 3, going for the Geoserver option (since the other Neatline Maps is not working any longer?).

So what happens is that whenever i try to create a new store - raster - Geotiff i get this error message "Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them: Failed to create reader from file:data/propkartaGEOREF.tif and hints null"

Since i lack basic understanding of what exactly these things are and how they work Im not sure i understand whether it is a problem with the file, with ArcMaå or with Geoserver (running a windows system btw, tried the tomcat/webarchive but had the same problem). Perhaps it is some basic rookie mistake.

The user friendlyness of Geoserver is like a black hole for us linux-illiterates so I dont know what to even google for...


Hey arfen,

Yeah, Geoserver can be a bit tricky/opaque to work with sometimes. In this case, looks like the file you're trying to upload doesn't have a well-formed header. Did you do some kind of post-processing on the file (eg, in Photoshop)?

Either way, the easiest way to fix this is to use a program called gdal to rebuild the header on the file. If you already have gdal installed, just run:

gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs EPSG:4326 file1.tif file2.tif

Where file1.tif is the original file, and file2.tif is the name of a new file produced by gdal with the rebuilt header. When you run this command, make sure that the corresponding .tfw file produced by ArcMap is also present in the directory (eg, in this case, file1.tfw).

If you don't have gdal installed, let me know whether you're working on Windows or Mac, and I'll post installation instructions.


Thanks for your reply!

You´re absolutely right. I used JPEG compression when i rectified the file in ArcMap for some stupid reason. That was the problem. When i remade the rectification (which turned out to be a disaster as well) and saved it without compression, Geoserver worked like a charm. I have been bangin´ my head in the desk for the whole weekend for this little stupid thing. :P

Thanks for your help!
Great work on neatline in general, it is awesome!

Hello David Mcclure,

I am very new to map technologies..

I used your translate and it worked but that file2.tiff is not available in my system!!!

I want to use an image pyramid as my Geoserver store.. I trying everything i can but nothing is working it seems.. pls help me with a detailed tutorial..

Hey rish,

Hmm, so, when you run the gdal_translate command, it doesn't generate a new file? Would you mind pasting in the exact output from the terminal?


I am running into the same issue. David, can you post the gdal installation instructions. Can't you just make a GeoTiff right from ArcMap?

Thanks for your time,


Hi Jmadron,

You should be able to make the GeoTiff in ArcMap, the gdal_translate is a separate step after removing the no data pixels to put the header information back on (which is stripped by gdalwarp).

Which projection are you using? We've had some recent reports of wonky things going on with reprojecting tiffs...


I am also having problems with gdal. I used gdalwarp to make transparent borders and then used gdal_translate to rebuild my geotiff and when I did that about 3 weeks ago all worked great. I am trying to do exactly the same thing now and it's no longer working for me. I am doing exactly the same steps and the file will not show up in the map. I do see that in Geoserver it says Native SRS is EPSG:900913 for the first file and EPSG:4326 for the second. Here is info from gdalinfo on the first file that works:

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: /Users/maggie/Dropbox/Sudan/Processed/Maggie2_FX.tif
Size is 2657, 2417
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (3543011.305363828781992,2100639.999240878038108)
Pixel Size = (0.283495999999972,-0.283495999999972)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 3543011.305, 2100639.999) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Lower Left ( 3543011.305, 2099954.789) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Upper Right ( 3543764.554, 2100639.999) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Lower Right ( 3543764.554, 2099954.789) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Center ( 3543387.930, 2100297.394) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Band 1 Block=2657x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
NoData Value=0
Band 2 Block=2657x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
NoData Value=0
Band 3 Block=2657x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
NoData Value=0
Band 4 Block=2657x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Alpha
NoData Value=0

And here is the second file that doesn't work:

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: /Users/maggie/Dropbox/Sudan/Jebel Barkal1.tif
Size is 2775, 2588
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (3543009.624309271108359,2100659.444078971166164)
Pixel Size = (0.282354000000011,-0.282354000000011)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 3543009.624, 2100659.444) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Lower Left ( 3543009.624, 2099928.712) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Upper Right ( 3543793.157, 2100659.444) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Lower Right ( 3543793.157, 2099928.712) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Center ( 3543401.390, 2100294.078) (Invalid angle,Invalid angle)
Band 1 Block=2775x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
NoData Value=4.52353239844929227e-310
Band 2 Block=2775x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
NoData Value=4.52353239844929227e-310
Band 3 Block=2775x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
NoData Value=4.52353239844929227e-310
Band 4 Block=2775x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Alpha
NoData Value=4.52353239844929227e-310

Does anyone have any clue what is happening?