Compatibility of older themes with Omeka 2.0.2

We recently installed Omeka vs. 2.0.2 and are about finished uploading all of our content including extended Dublin Core metadata. We got this far before realizing that we were truly limited to the 2 themes which came bundled, Thanks Roy and Seasons.

I want to know if and how we can make other themes compatible? Does anyone know why themes like Easy Colour and Griddy are incompatible with the most recent version of Omeka? or what changes we can make to make the themes work with the new version?


Hi Amy,

Berlin is also 2.0 compatible and was recently released for 2.0 even though it is not bundled.

The Omeka has a few more themes to update, and are going through them one at-a-time. Just as we are we doing with the plugins. There are also user-contributed themes, like Easy Colour, and we rely on those designers to update their own themes.

We have documentation with some guidance on updating themes. It is available here:

Hi Shelia,

Thanks for the information and the link to updating themes in Omeka 2.0. I think we can make this work with the tutorial you provided.