Collection display


I've been updating the theme for my site, and the display page for the collections has gone wonky.

Can you tell me the path to the file that controls the display of the collections?


If there's not one in the theme's collections folder, you'll want to copy it from application/views/collections. More info here.

Hi Patrick,

I created /default/collections under my new theme, and moved a copy of the browse.php folder for collections into there, but no luck. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


I just realized that "default" might actually mean to put it under my default theme--I created a folder called collections under the theme I'm using and copied the browse.php there, but still no luck fixing the error.

Well, the progress made is that now that you have that file copied over into the right place (yep! under collections in the theme you are using!), you have start modifying it to fix things. First glance looks like there's some PHP that isn't wrapped in <?php .... ?>

Ha! My bad on reading "default" too literally.

Here is the code for custom-theme/collections/browse.php. I'm a little confused as I don't see the commented out bits that are showing publicly, so I wonder if the wonkiness is actually coming from another file?

$pageTitle = __('Browse Collections');
echo head(array('title'=>$pageTitle,'bodyclass' => 'collections browse'));

<h1><?php echo $pageTitle; ?> <?php echo __('(%s total)', $total_results); ?></h1>
<?php echo pagination_links(); ?>

$sortLinks[__('Title')] = 'Dublin Core,Title';
$sortLinks[__('Date Added')] = 'added';
<div id="sort-links">
    <span class="sort-label"><?php echo __('Sort by: '); ?></span><?php echo browse_sort_links($sortLinks); ?>

<?php foreach (loop('collections') as $collection): ?>

<div class="collection">

    <h2><?php echo link_to_collection(); ?></h2>

    <?php if ($collectionImage = record_image('collection', 'square_thumbnail')): ?>
        <?php echo link_to_collection($collectionImage, array('class' => 'image')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if (metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'))): ?>
    <div class="collection-description">
        <?php echo text_to_paragraphs(metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'), array('snippet'=>150))); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if ($collection->hasContributor()): ?>
    <div class="collection-contributors">
        <strong><?php echo __('Contributors'); ?>:</strong>
        <?php echo metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Contributor'), array('all'=>true, 'delimiter'=>', ')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <p class="view-items-link"><?php echo link_to_items_browse(__('View the items in %s', metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Title'))), array('collection' => metadata('collection', 'id'))); ?></p>
    <?php fire_plugin_hook('public_collections_browse_each', array('view' => $this, 'collection' => $collection)); ?>

</div><!-- end class="collection" -->

<?php endforeach; ?>

<?php echo pagination_links(); ?>

<?php fire_plugin_hook('public_collections_browse', array('collections'=>$collections, 'view' => $this)); ?>

<?php echo foot(); ?>

Ah...sorry, my bad this time. File where I saw php is the linked-to show.php page, not the browse.php page. I should have caught that. Browse (I think) looks okay, it's the show page that's wonky

Okay, copied show.php into the folder, but I'm afraid I'm still not seeing what's wrong with the code. Any guesses?

$pageTitle = __('Browse Collections');
echo head(array('title'=>$pageTitle,'bodyclass' => 'collections browse'));

<h1><?php echo $pageTitle; ?> <?php echo __('(%s total)', $total_results); ?></h1>
<?php echo pagination_links(); ?>

$sortLinks[__('Title')] = 'Dublin Core,Title';
$sortLinks[__('Date Added')] = 'added';
<div id="sort-links">
    <span class="sort-label"><?php echo __('Sort by: '); ?></span><?php echo browse_sort_links($sortLinks); ?>

<?php foreach (loop('collections') as $collection): ?>

<div class="collection">

    <h2><?php echo link_to_collection(); ?></h2>

    <?php if ($collectionImage = record_image('collection', 'square_thumbnail')): ?>
        <?php echo link_to_collection($collectionImage, array('class' => 'image')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if (metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'))): ?>
    <div class="collection-description">
        <?php echo text_to_paragraphs(metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'), array('snippet'=>150))); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if ($collection->hasContributor()): ?>
    <div class="collection-contributors">
        <strong><?php echo __('Contributors'); ?>:</strong>
        <?php echo metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Contributor'), array('all'=>true, 'delimiter'=>', ')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

   <p class="view-items-link"><?php echo link_to_items_browse(__('View the items in %s', metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Title'))), array('collection' => metadata('collection', 'id'))); ?></p>

    <?php fire_plugin_hook('public_collections_browse_each', array('view' => $this, 'collection' => $collection)); ?>

</div><!-- end class="collection" -->

<?php endforeach; ?>

<?php echo pagination_links(); ?>

<?php fire_plugin_hook('public_collections_browse', array('collections'=>$collections, 'view' => $this)); ?>

<?php echo foot(); ?

What you posted looks like the same browse.php file. Could you double-check and post show.php?

So sorry about that!! here is the show.php

$collectionTitle = strip_formatting(metadata('collection', array('Dublin Core', 'Title')));

<?php echo head(array('title'=> $collectionTitle, 'bodyclass' => 'collections show')); ?>

<h1><?php echo $collectionTitle; ?></h1>

<?php echo all_element_texts('collection'); ?>

<div id="collection-items">
    <h2><?php echo link_to_items_browse(__('Items in the %s Collection', $collectionTitle), array('collection' => metadata('collection', 'id'))); ?></h2>
    <?php if (metadata('collection', 'total_items') > 0): ?>
        <?php foreach (loop('items') as $item): ?>
        <?php $itemTitle = strip_formatting(metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Title'))); ?>
        <div class="item hentry">
            <h3><?php echo link_to_item($itemTitle, array('class'=>'permalink')); ?></h3>

            <?php if (metadata('item', 'has thumbnail')): ?>
            <div class="item-img">
                <?php echo link_to_item(item_image('square_thumbnail', array('alt' => $itemTitle))); ?>
            <?php endif; ?>

            <?php if ($text = metadata('item', array('Item Type Metadata', 'Text'), array('snippet'=>250))): ?>
            <div class="item-description">
                <p><?php echo $text; ?></p>
            <?php elseif ($description = metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'), array('snippet'=>250))): ?>
            <div class="item-description">
                <?php echo $description; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php else: ?>
        <p><?php echo __("There are currently no items within this collection."); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- end collection-items -->

Huh. yeah, it doesn't appear to be a problem in this file. What I'm seeing at the link is a dead giveaway of some <?php .... ?> issues, though:

// Loop through our array of fields ......

Do you have a plugin that uses a filter on elements, or maybe a theme helper that overrides the default AllElementTexts theme helper? That'd be my next place to look.

Great, I will take a look. Thanks so much for all your help and patience!