Adding iframe

Is there any way to add an iframe to item metadata? We would like to insert the Internet Archive mini-book reader because some of our files are too large to display using the docs viewer.

Are the books you're looking to display stored at the Internet Archive?

From looking at, it would appear that only books hosted at the Internet Archive can be displayed by simply including an iframe tag.

Using this reader for files hosted from your Omeka install looks like it would be somewhat more complicated.

Anyway, while it's possible to do some workarounds and directly include an iframe in a metadata field, it would be cleaner to leave the metadata as metadata and use a plugin to read the URL out from the item metadata and insert the iframe.

The materials we want to display are stored with the Internet Archive. So, ideally I'd need to write a custom module to get things working properly without being hacky?



it's been a long time but in case someone wonders, there's a bookreader plugin available for omeka but not listed on

It's available there : and can be seen running there :

I'm trying to give it a try, but I'm not seeing how to set it all up. Do you have any documentation or guidance for how to implement it in a site? Thanks!

Is there any more work being done to test the BookReader plugin and list it on The developer updated the documentation a couple months ago. I was able to get it working with jpegs that I uploaded to my omeka site - its a test, so it's only a few pages, but it seems to work - Now my question is, how do I keep the pages showing up twice in the items/show page, and just use the plugin for display?

I'm having similar problems with this plugin - I'd like to have just the book reader display and not the usual item image. Also, I can't get this to work with any file format other than jpeg. I'd like to use PDFs if possible. Has anyone had success with that? Thanks.

The basic structure of BookReader depends on individual jpegs for each page, so I don't think it is supposed to work with PDFs. The BookReader for Omeka page on github recommends another plugin, PDF Toc, which I haven't tried, but at least it would provide some functionality when you attach a PDF to your item.