1.2 upgrade - blank exhibits

I just upgraded a 1.0 install to 1.2. Now, when I browse exhibits, I see the exhibits listed, but when I follow the link for an exhibit, I get a blank page for all of the public exhibits.

Any suggestions?


Do remember if you deactivated or uninstalled the exhibit builder before upgrading?


Yes, I remember the step to deactivate all of the plugins. I only deactivated them, I did not uninstall them.

I've been looking at this some more and noticed that the exhibits that are not displaying are using "thewall" as their theme. I changed this to "Current Public Theme" for one exhibit, and it was then visible. When I changed the exhibit theme back to "thewall" I again got a blank page when trying to display the exhibit.

Was the original exhibit built in "the wall" or did you switch after the upgrade?

This was just posted today about "the wall"--try it and see if this fixes the problem.


That was the problem - after I updated the header.php for "thewall" the exhibit pages display.
